Plein Air Studies

My Cosheston Pill Painting Series is succession of works focused on an arm (or “Pill”) of the Cleddau Estuary, close to my studio.  Gently winding up to the picturesque Pembrokeshire village of Cosheston, it floods on high tides.  When Walking “Bailey” the Golden Retriever, down to the water, I often study this beautiful Pill. Morning Sunlight can be seen breaking through the clouds with its bright light glinting on the still waters.

Capturing this scene of Morning Sunlight started with several small location paintings and drawings at different tide conditions. 

Cosheston Pill image
Cosheston Pill Plein Air
Plein Air Painting
Cosheston Pill Low tide painting by Jon Houser
Plein Air Painting

The Studio Paintings

My Plein Air paintings are often enough to express what I want to say about a subject. But I felt there was more legs in this particular theme. Back in the comfort of my studio, with these paintings and location drawings spread out in front of me, I started reflecting. The idea for a Cosheston Pill painting series started to evolve.

Focus is drawn to the dark shadows on the opposite shore contrasting against the bright Sunlit sky and the cloud formations juxtaposed against this piercing light. Several 6″x 8″ oil studies are quickly painted to explore composition, tone and colour. Subsequently, when happy, my final work, “Morning Light at Cosheston Pill” 12″x 18″ oil on panel is produced! 

I enjoyed taking a subject such as this and exploring it’s potential and I plan to paint more series paintings this year. If you would like to follow my work, please join my mailing list at the bottom of the page. 

More details of my painting titled “Morning Light at Cosheston Pill” can be found here.